Friday, 28 September 2018

Weta Caves poem

This was an awesome challenge and it was enjoyable to make them. I found it hard to get it finished in the short time we had but I got done in the end. The best part is when I put it up on the wall and saw the finished project.

Looks like a something out of a horror movie with all it’s big, amazing sculptures.
Smells like a fresh layer of paint, still out drying in the sun.
Tastes like a fresh kill off the farm, a nice big 12 pointer roaring on the ridge.
Feels like a two tone boar, sinking his tusks into my dogs neck and killing him on the spot.
Sounds like people getting up at 5 o‘clock, to be the first at work, on a Monday morning.
Lives in Weta Caves

By Charlie Bennett

Writing Reflection

This writing was fun because we could make it up and make it have lots of humour. They were all entertaining and funny. The hard thing was thinking of an idea at the start, my idea was inspired by the movie, Night At The Museum.

Weta Caves
 Here I was my first night at my job, it was a cold, dark night, I was already weary and tired. The good thing is I have the coolest job in NZ because to come and see this place cost $30, I get in for free and get paid for doing it, so I think it’s a bargain. I only have a taser gun for my defence and a flashlight to see. I was walking around the corner to my office it was 12:00 am the moon was full and shining right through the window lighting up my office when I heard a sound like a crack or a crackle. I turned around and turned my torch on there was nothing there, I thought to myself, maybe it came from outside. I kept on walking, I sat down, I hear the same noise, a crack, this is very strange. 

I stood up and went for a walk around and all I could see was the animals and all the other creepy looking sculptures but when I turned my back I heard those crack noises again.
I turned back around all those big ugly and beautiful sculptors that one second ago were standing as statues were now looking at me, blinking and staring. Then all of a sudden the big ogar looking thing said “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE”!!!!!! “I am the night keeper of this place”. “WELL GET YOUR BUT OUT”!   “Ok, ok, I'm going”. I sprinted away as fast as my legs would take me to my office and locked the door and then rang the police I told them about the monsters and them being alive the man I was talking to didn’t believe me so he hung up. I hid under my desk and waited for a couple of minutes then I heard loud pumping rock music so I had a  quick look I could see the Ogre and his friends having a party and the Ogar was doing the caterpillar! I quickly leaned out of the window off my office and yelled, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING YA BIG FATTY'S”!  And then as soon as I said that, all those animals returned to were they used to be and stood still.
I unlocked the door as slow as I could trying not to make any noise at all walking down the little hall everything was silent, when I got to the end I turned my light on they were all ready to pounce on me so I sprinted even faster than last time back into my office. This time I finally got the police to come. It was right when the police pulled up when this batman looking creature knocked on my door. “What do you want” “One question please sir said the bat, “What the heck are these blue smurfy soldiers doing here”? “They’re the police.” Who are the police” ” They look after the world” So what were like babies to them? Yeah kind of. “Ok bye”

Charlie Bennett

Monday, 24 September 2018

Seeking Help

We were learning about how to take a screenshot.
I found it easy to take a screen shot.
I found it hard to think what to write.
I really enjoyed making it look cool and taking the screen shot.
Next time I need to make it better.
My Blog Post shows I am a Beginner / Stepping Up / Smart Learner

Monday, 10 September 2018


  • We were learning about netiquette.
  • I found it easy to write tips, I could have done hundreds.
  • I found it hard to import my picture onto the page.
  • I really enjoyed putting things in colour and making it look cool.
  • Next time I need to put a background in to make it pop.
  • My Blog Post shows I am a Beginner / Stepping Up / Smart Learner. Stepping Up