Thursday 15 November 2018

Wellington Camp

Wellington Camp

On Sunday morning we said goodbye to our Parents and got onto the bus, that was the thing that I was least looking forward to. Our first stop was at Te Karaka to pick up 2 of our classmates and one of our cool Parents for the trip, then we were of to Napier for lunch. The surroundings were amazing we also watched a couple of movies along the way too. The last stop was in Dannevirke then we were in Wellington unpacking our bags. First we went to Parliament and we got taken around by a cool man called William Davies it was very very interesting and the artworks were amazing. Then we quickly walked to the Cable Cars and had a cool ride up to the Wellington Botanical Gardens we had lunch there and then walked down to Te Papa. The exhibitions were mind blowing and sooo realistic it was like looking at real alive creatures, seriously not joking. We went back to Silver Stream Retreat and had an amazing dinner.

The next day we went to Weta Caves it was amazing though it looked a little bit weird it was hard to imagine that all of the props had been in movies. In the movies the guns and swords look real but really there just plastic or really blunt metal. The Zoo was cool with all the animals and wondering which animal one to go to next. The Giraffes and Lions were amazing and so big they were like giants. The Tiger that I could see was so big and muscly it was amazing. The Monkeys were so cool, the best fact was about Capuchin Monkeys that they rub onion all over them to keep insects away!  

Zealandia was cool but it was a bit like home, it was cool to see a Kaka up close and see their colourful red feathers. The Kererus looked like they had been feeding well because they were so fat! Then we went to Jumparama we got given special socks with grip on the bottom to help not to slip over. We had 1 hour to jump around and do as many flips as we could there was even a olympic size tramp that was super bouncy! There was a cool place to bounce up and play basketball and a foam pit where you could bounce in to it and do flips and the wall next to it had a climbing wall. It was a cool fun experience because it was the first time I had been in a tramp park I was surprised that it made me really tired and sweat lots! 

The next day we got up really early to get onto the Fairy, It was huge. There was so much to explore there was a cool shop and a machine that if you put ten cents in it would squish it into a boat as a souvenir! On the way there I got pretty sea sick and went all green and white but I made it to the south Island fine, first we went to a museum in Picton because we didn't have our bus we had to walk there but it was real short, the Museum had the 9th oldest ship in the world there! It was amazing we got to go on board and that was pretty cool. Then we watched a little movie and then went to an Aquarium we got to touch a Tuatara and feed a couple of fish. Then we were back onto a different ship and had tea on it we could have fish and chips or chicken nuggets and chips. The trip back was smooth and cool. It felt nice to be back on dry land we had an late night then we had a sleepy bus ride back home.


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