Monday, 10 June 2019


Hi my name is Charlie. I go to Matawai school and I am in Room 4. I have five people in my family
I live on a  sheep and beef farm with a brother and sister our farm is really big and it is called Morunga station. Dad has 14 working dogs and we have a pet cat.

 Matawai school is awesome, we have a rugby field and a basketball court. We have Tech where we do sewing, woodwork and cooking in groups of about 7. I have played  hockey for one season and I play rugby for Ngatapa. I play in the under 13 restricted weight team as a second five.I like to play sport especially rugby. I really love writing and I'm getting better at Reading. Maths is one of the hardest subjects for me.  I also love doing art.

 I am going to run at the Aims Games competition in Tauranga. I am really looking forward to it. Someone who inspires me is Ben lamb who plays for the Hurricanes as their winger. I also like Ryan Crotty who plays second five for the Crusaders. I also really love hunting for deer on our farm.  I shot my first stag this year,  he was a ten pointer.

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