Monday, 2 September 2019


Strong scent floats beneath the surface…
Ghostly live sticks, 
emerging from sheer darkness. 
The meat vanishes,
like a wolf pack,
picking of their prey. 
Dark shadows, 
murky waters,
beautiful fish!

Last week our class went down to the local river to study some eels. We saw about 4 big eels and we fed them venison and it was very fun. After the visit we wrote some poems about the eels.


  1. Hi charlie its Max from pompallier school. Your eel trip looks relay cool.
    We have eels in a river near our house that are quite big and we sometimes feed them. On your next trip you could try and measure a eel and we could compare the size.

  2. hi charlie its me kade from pompallier primary school.i like you ell trip it looks cool and really fun some time i go eeling at my nan house


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