Friday 20 March 2020


This week at cooking tech we had to do an invention test just like on Master Chef
where you get given anonymous ingredients and you have to make something
with those ingredients only! Our two mystery ingredients were eggs and apples!
I made apple and cinnamon pancakes with apple maple syrup and brown sugar topping!
They were delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlie
    Your pancake and apple compote looked and tasted delicious!!
    I loved the way the apple syrup drizzled down the sides of your pancakes when you plated your dish up.
    The invention test was fun and it was great too see every group utilise the apples and eggs in completely different ways.
    Will you do some more creative cooking at home over the lockdown period?
    I certainly hope so!!
    Take care and thanks for sharing
    Mrs Bennett


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