Monday 30 March 2020

Making a hut

Last week my brother, sister and I went onto our farm in a paddock called 'Top Terrace'. We made a hut and then made a fire outside. There was also a stag roaring next to us but we couldn't see him. 
Have you ever made a hut out on your farm?


  1. Great hut Charlie
    I enjoyed my walk up into Top terrace to take a look.
    I was intrigued as to why you chose to build your hut all the way up there?
    What tools did you need to make the hut?
    I was impressed by how secure it was and also how soft you had made the ground...I'm sure you could sleep in it if you had to and stay fairly warm and dry!

    You might be able to sit up there one night and listen to the Stags roaring again.
    Mum x

  2. Kia ora Charlie.

    I am working in Tairāwhiti schools, like Mrs Torrie.
    It looks like a great hut for sleeping in.
    Do you think it would be waterproof? I wonder how people in times gone by made their homes waterproof?
    Mrs Krausse


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