Tuesday 5 May 2020

Random Word Challenge

The random word selected from my novel 'The Power of One' was 'killed'.


  1. Hi Charlie,
    Hi Charlie, What a great idea Mrs Allan had for a writing task. Did you find it motivating? My first thought was -How lucky it was you happened upon that word! Are you sure you didn't work backwards? Find the word, count back to the beginning of the line... get the number? Haha-just pulling your leg. It is a great write. The words 'bulging, dark neck,' resonated with me as we just rode through our stags at the weekend and that is what stood out to me. Well done Charlie. I love your work.
    From Mrs Shaw

  2. Hi Charlie,

    I did smile too when I saw your word was killed! How perfect. What I do like about your piece of writing is the precision in your choice of words. 'Old male monarch' were the words that really grabbed my attention. Well done.

    Mrs Allan

  3. Hi Charlie I´m Troy from Ahipara School
    I like hunting a lot on our farm but we hunt pigs. But I haven't been in quite a while. I really like the words you chose. It was really interesting and it was exciting. Keep up the great work!


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.
Positive - something done well
Thoughtful - a sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about

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