Wednesday 13 May 2020

The big bull


  1. Hello Charlie
    I am impressed by the detail and rich vocabulary in this writing. Your use of personification is excellent and adds such vivd imagery. I love the snow "is like a blanket, engulfing me in its arms"...both simile and personification.
    Very well structured and great work with paragraphs.
    Keep up the neat, detailed writing.
    Mrs Bennett

  2. Hi Charlie,

    Wow, for a moment you took me far away from the kitchen table and all the chaos around me. I so hope you get to go on far away adventures to snowy lands in search of the mighty caribou.

    Mrs Allan

  3. Hi Charlie
    This is a great piece of writing your use of vocabulary is just outstanding. I hope you have been able to do some hunting. I know my Andy and Marty have found the waiting through lockdown to go hunting hard. Rylee is also so excited to be finally able to go for a hunt with them. Mrs Bayley

  4. Hi Charlie
    This is a great piece of writing. It is very descriptive and paints a great picture inn my head. I like how you have described how hard it is to walk in the snow. I really enjoyed reading this piece of writing.

  5. Hi Charlie,
    This is a great descriptive piece of writing. It really paints a picture in my mind even though there are no pictures beside the story until the end. This piece of writing made me want to read more when I got to the end.

    Ma Te Wa



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